Picture Book Worlds
One of my favorite children’s book illustrators, Christian Robinson, has this cool installation in Oakland up this weekend. It’s based on his artwork and is part of the launch of his upcoming collaboration with Target. It basically gives children of ALL ages (like me) a chance to walk into one of his books!
Which picture book world do you most want to jump into?
Here are mine:
Christian Robinson’s Another, or anything by him. I’d love to check out the installation at Jack London Square but I’m too far away. Don’t forget to check out his Target collection on August 15. (#NotAnAd, I just love his work.)
Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crocket Johnson because I want to be able to draw anything I want or need.
Not Quite Narwhal by Jesse Sima because narwhals.
Many wordless picture books like Flotsam by David Eisner and the Journey trilogy Aaron Becker
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers because I love his characters and the whimsical worlds he creates.
And one last shout out goes to Ben Hatke and the Julia’s House for Lost Creatures trilogy, especially since the third installment, Julia’s House Goes Home, is out next month.
Excerpt from Ben Hatke’s Julia’s House Moves On