All tagged The Twilight Saga

Valentines Day Cards Upcycling

Can I tell you the little things that I love about being a mom?  Besides the fact that my girls are perfect (but not) and that they bring so much joy (overall) and they own every single piece of my heart. 

I like helping with Valentine's Day cards.  And Halloween treat bags.  And when they were younger (or far more many times with Mini Me than Little Lion), with birthday treat bags for parties.  It's fun.  And it's a privilege. #ILoveBeingAMom

First Pages: Twilight

As promised, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight is the second book in our first pages study session this month in honor of National Novel Writing Month. Why?  Again because both the Harry Potter series and The Twilight Saga were instrumental in changing the face of children's book publishing.

"I'd never given much thought to how I would die--though I'd had reason enough in the last few months--but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this."

And So The Lion Fell in Love with the Lamb....

Welcome back to our EPIC read-along of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.  When we last left our two love birds, well, they were just starting to become love birds.  In this section, Edward declares his undying/immortal love for Bella.  Wait, that didn't happen.  HE NEVER TELLS HER HE LOVES HER!  This bothered me so much the first time I read Twilight that I kept having to re-read the meadow scene.  Why can't he say the words?!!  Is it because he's a teenage boy?  Albeit, he's lived longer than I have, but vampires don't change, right?