Dear Mom
Dear Mom with empty arms,
I am you and you are me. My arms aren’t completely empty but they are missing something nonetheless. They will always be missing my Macy, no matter if it’s been ten years or a hundred.
I’m thinking of you this Mother’s Day. I’m thinking of all the people yearning to be moms and all the moms with empty arms. It’s a hard day and I’m sending you hugs, even if my arms aren’t enough.
Dear Moms—my own mommy and my mother-in-law,
Thank you for always leading by example and for loving, loving, loving us no matter what. Sometimes it’s quiet but we know you are always and have always been there for me, for your son, for your other children and your grandchildren.
I only hope that my two (three) girls can see my own love for them, like your love for us.
Dear Lola,
I still miss you every day.
Macy’s Garden
Flowers for my baby, plus my grandparents on Mother’s Day
For special moms who need a special card, please see our free download here.