Family Dynamics

Family Dynamics

Do you believe in family dynamics?  I do.  I'm a twin but I'm older by a minute and I've always been treated like the eldest. Though now that we're older now, I think that my twin and I share 'eldest sibling' responsibilities.

And while Mini Me is definitely the eldest sibling in our family, Little Lion is the baby sister.  Not just the little sister, but the baby sister because Macy is in the middle. 

Macy is definitely the middle child.  She seems forgotten but she isn't because she is the HEART of our family. 

She's my reminder to be patient when my girls are talking back or misbehaving.  She's my reminder to cherish the small moments.  She's my reminder when I see something wonderful that one of the girls has accomplished.

What has Macy accomplished?  She's humbled us.  She's made us love even more fiercely, and with abandon.  She's made us more forgiving. 

P.S. Apparently March 18 has been declared a day for Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome) awareness, just like March 21 is a day for Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome). I guess to match their triple chromosome.  So this March 18, feel free to wear PURPLE.  It's not the most common color, and you may have to announce why you're wearing that color.  Or you can quietly don your color in support of those of us who have loved ones with Trisomy 18.

Photo below of my Rainbow Baby in her Rainbow Cloud Dress from Mitz Kids.

Tell Dr. Bookworm!

Where are you for birth order in your family?  Does it fit you?  Do you believe in birth order/family dynamics? Let me know in the comments.

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