An EPIC Epic Read-along for the Dog Days of Summer
If you're a follower of this blog, you know that I haven't read the Harry Potter series. Ever. I've tried. I've seen all the films back when they were released. And I've watched them again with Mini Me and Little Lion. And I started to read HP and the Sorcerer's Stone to Mini Me when she was five. She wasn't ready. The beginning was simultaneously too slow and a bit scary for her liking.
And then she took off reading them on her own, suddenly in third grade when her friends 'introduced' her to the series. And when I say she took off, I really mean it.
I keep picking it up and putting it down—and that's not a reflection of Rowling's writing, which is engaging and well done. (Obviously.) Rather, I think it's a reflection of the fact that I already know what happens.
Fast forward to Little Lion reading the series: I tried again. But she wanted to read it to herself. And we read parts from the gorgeous illustrated version (illustrated by Jim Kay).
So here's my thought: why not make Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone an EPIC SUMMER READ-ALONG?
If this is your first time or your fiftieth time reading HP, please join in our discussion and read-along!
Dr. Bookworm and Little Lion on Hufflepuff Pride Day 2018. Little Lion drew the quidditch picture with Harry and Ron (featured photo) several years ago. She only allowed me to post that portion but it's a larger drawing that includes the quidditch goals plus Hermione and her cat. Both photos posted with her permission.
Giveaways Galore!
Yup. It wouldn't be EPIC if we didn't make this a fun giveaway! I don't have all the prizes yet, but we are traveling later this summer to see the HP studio tour, the film sets where the films were made AND we're going to (hopefully) visit the House of Mina Lima, the designers behind the graphic art of the HP films! So, we'll be sure to pick up a few prizes from there.
Mini Me and Little Lion will also be creating a contest quiz for a chance to be entered in the drawing for the GRAND PRIZE.
You can enter by commenting on our discussion posts. If you're under 18, you must have parent permission to enter. More details to follow.
Our tentative schedule will be:
- End of July: Chapters 1-6
- Mid-August: Chapters 7-12
- End of August: Chapter 13 to end
Tell Dr. Bookworm!
This week marks the 20th anniversary of the release of HP and the Sorcerer's Stone in the United States. In honor of that anniversary, there are new editions of the HP series with cover designs done by Brian Selznick. I currently have them in two of my virtual carts but Mr. Bookworm keeps side-eyeing me because we have five versions of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, including Mini Me's Slytherin edition.
How many editions of HP do you have in your house? Or what's the most number of copies of the same book that you own?
We also have
- 2 copies of Maxine Hong Kingston's Woman Warrior
- 2 copies of James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
- 2 copies of the entire Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
- 2-3 copies of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen plus 3 novelty books
- 2 pop-up books (different ones) of The Wizard of Oz, plus the original by L. Frank Baum
- 3 copies of The Hobbit and two copies of the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkein