
Every since Mini Me was little, we've talked about different types of families.  We've talked about families with just one parent, with two parents that are boys or girls or one of each, and with different households. 

She's been writing a LOT over the last few weeks. Some stories are with original characters, some are Harry Potter-related fanfictions but focused on the founders of Hogwarts, and one story is a crossover between the Harry Potter universe and Hamilton.  That's right.  A crossover.  (Little Lion is writing her own crossover fiction with the two universes too.)

At lunch a few weeks ago, she told me about a scene in which two of her male (teen) characters are betting on when a different male was going to ask another male out.  She said the whole thing very matter of fact, and I paused and asked her, "Are they gay?"  Her answer, "Well, yeah. I totally ship them."

I paused again.  She's 11.  She's written a Hogwarts founders' story in which there is something going on between Salazar (Slytherin) and Rowena (Ravenclaw).  And various other crushes.  So of course she would write about this as if it's the most natural thing in the world.  Because it is. 

It took me a moment to catch up but I realized that I have raised my girls with open minds.  And I'm proud of it.

Photo info: Literally a minute later, I noticed the rainbow on our table at the restaurant.  Kismet. Little Lion asked about rainbows as she thinks of them in context of her being our 'rainbow baby', meaning the baby who was born after the loss of a child.  I told her that rainbows symbolize acceptance of all kinds of love.

(PS In case you're wondering, I asked Mini Me permission to write about this topic.)

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