My Heart is So Full

My Heart is So Full

My Heart is full right now.  I’ve climbed out of our warm bed because I can’t sleep.  We’ve all been battling viruses, and I thought I’d get away with just feeling crummy last week.  But Little Lion got a sore throat and then runny-nosey, and guess who followed soon after?

So my throat feels like knives are cutting it, and I have SO much sympathy for my patients, especially the babies who are pushing away bottles because they’re in so much pain.  But this morning, as sometimes happens, I got up early to go to the bathroom and when I returned, Little Lion was in my bed, snuggled up to Mr. Bookworm.  So I snuggled into both of them, feeling content and happy, and with a heart so full.  The only thing that would make it fuller would be if Mini Me was there too.  (But I definitely wasn’t going to wake her up.  It’s Saturday morning and she needs to catch up on her sleep.)

The only reason I finally got up is because I couldn’t stop kissing Little Lion’s delicious cheek.  And I didn’t want to wake her up either.  

Our house isn’t ready for Christmas.  My stack of cards, unaddressed, is still sitting there.  We don’t have our tree up yet because we’ve been sick.  Our stockings aren’t hung by the chimney with care.  (Though Mr. Bookworm has taken our Christmas boxes down from the attic.)  And though we have lots of presents (Again, yay online shopping!), none of them are wrapped.  There is no guarantee of any of those things actually getting done this weekend either—not with us being sick.  And that’s okay.  

The only thing that MUST get done today is the movies.  Because we’re off to see The Last Jedi today.  We’ll see if I can get the girls dressed up.  They’ve already told me ‘no’, but we’ll wear Star Wars-themed shirts because we have so many.   (Photo above is from May the Fourth this year.)  Little Lion dressed up as Princess Leia for The Force Awakens, but she’s not committed to anything today.  I wonder if her one-piece Darth Vader costume still fits?

And the only thing that MUST get done for tomorrow is going to the cemetery AKA Macy’s garden.  We’re likely the last family to go, but I want to make sure she has her tree for Christmas, even if we don’t have ours up yet.  We also have a miniature lavender Christmas tree for her here at home that will surely go up before our big one.  It’s complete with its own lights and Hello Kitty ornaments.  

So, yes, I’m sick but my heart is SO  SO full right now.  As I was curled around Little Lion this morning, I was thinking about that saying, that friends are the family  you chose or they family you make your own, but I also kept thinking about how much I love my little family.  The four/five of us.  And that I’ve chosen AND made them too.  I’ve chosen Mr. Bookworm and I’ve made each of my girls.  And my heart wouldn’t have it any other way.  

Happy holidays and I hope you have a small moment this busy season (busy in more ways than one as we were CRAZY busy at work yesterday with so many sick little ones), I hope you have a small moment to reflect on how full your heart is too.  

I listened to an interview with Rian Johnson on NPR yesterday.  It talked about how the director (of The Last Jedi etc.) grew up playing with Star Wars action figures.  And how he may not have thought about it, but it was actually him practicing for blocking out scenes now.  I keep thinking about how my girls are so imaginative and always playing out scenes and re-imagining stories.  Maybe one day they'll be directors too.  Or Mini Me could be the next Lin-Manuel Miranda because she is so musical, is a fantastic writer, and from day one has loved to direct her loved ones and friends in imaginative play.  You never know.  :D

Tell Dr. Bookworm!

What is your favorite part of the winter holiday season?  What is your favorite quiet time for a moment of reflection in our busy, busy lives?


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